Single-Cell Sequencing
NUSeq has offered single-cell sequencing since 2017. This state-of-the-art technology offers unprecedented opportunities to study cell-to-cell variation, identify/visualize different cell types/identities in a population, and infer cellular developmental trajectories. To help users accomplish these goals, NUSeq assists users in every step of this process – from cell prep and sequencing library construction to bioinformatic analysis.
As the technology evolves, single-cell sequencing becomes more diverse to meet varying project needs. Currently, NUSeq offers two high-throughput single-cell sequencing platforms (10x Genomics and Parse Biosciences) and one for low-throughput projects which need to sequence a small number of cells but at much greater sequencing depths. Below is an overview of each of the platforms provided by NUSeq:
- 10x Genomics Chromium
- Target cell number: 1,000-10,000 cells in each sample
- Input type: freshly prepared single-cell (or nucleus) suspension, fixed-cell (or nucleus), cryopreserved cell, and FFPE embedded tissue.
- Applications: 3’ and 5’ single-cell (or nucleus) RNA-seq, T-cell and B-cell V(D)J clone profiling, cell surface protein profiling, single nucleus ATAC-seq and multiome (simultaneous single nucleus ATAC-seq and RNA-seq on the same cells)
- Parse Biosciences
- Target cell number: 100,000-1,000,000 cells, accommodating up to 96 samples
- Input type: fixed single-cell or nucleic suspension
- Application: single-cell (or nucleus) RNA-seq
- SMART-seq technology for manual low-throughput scRNA/scDNA-seq
- Target cell number: 1-100 cells
- Input type: 1-10 cells collected in individual tubes
- Usage: single-cell RNA-seq, single-cell DNA-seq
Unsupervised clustering of single-cell RNA-seq data processed using 10x Genomics Chromium. Human kidney cells are clustered based on similarities in gene expression, with each of the clusters representing a distinct subpopulation.
*Due to the high demand for scRNA-seq, it is important to schedule work well ahead of time to ensure processing.
The core’s 10x Genomics Chromium System is made available with an NIH S10 award. Please acknowledge Grant # 1S10OD025120 in publications.
10x Genomics Chromium
- Single-cell (or nucleus) RNA-seq library preparation (cell/nucleus QC included) - $2,250 per sample
- Single nucleus ATAC-seq library preparation (cell/nucleus QC included) - $2,250 per sample
- Multiome (snRNA-seq + snATAC-seq) library preparation (cell/nucleus QC included) - $3,750 per sample
- Chromium Fixed cell single-cell (or nucleus) RNA-seq - Consult with NUSeq Core
Add-On Library Type
- Sample multiplexing (Cellplex or cell hashing) add-on - $180 per sample
- Cell surface protein profiling add-on - $180 per sample
- V(D)J immune profiling add-on (applied to 5’ scRNA-seq only) - $450 per sample
Parse Biosciences
- scRNA-seq library preparation, 100,000 cells input - $11,000 per preparation
- scRNA-seq library preparation, 1,000,000 cells input - $17,000 per preparation
Manual Low-Throughput scRNA/scDNA-Seq
- Experimental setup/condition optimization - $800 per project
- cDNA prep or gDNA amplification for library prep - $165 per sample
- Manual single-cell RNA-seq library prep- $420 per sample
Cost of sequencing single-cell libraries varies with the platform chosen (see above), the total number of cells, the desired sequencing depth, etc. Cost projection for a particular project can be provided at the time of project consultation.
Please check the Core Pricing page for external rates.
Single-Cell Sequencing Service Details
Service Request
To initiate a single-cell sequencing project, please contact us. Project consultation is provided free-of-charge. Consultation with the core prior to starting a single-cell sequencing experiment is highly recommended to ensure accomplishment of project goals.
Single-cell sequencing services can be requested through NUcore.
Sample Submission
For all single-cell sequencing services, please make a sample submission appointment with us in advance.
- 10x Genomics platform: Users prepare fresh or fixed cells (or nuclei) and submit it to NUSeq Core for sample QC.
- Parse Bioscience platform: Users prepare fixed cells (or nuclei) for all samples and submit them to NUSeq Core for library construction.
- SMART-Seq platform: Users collect cell(s) in 0.2mL tube and store at -80°C until sample submission to NUSeq Core.
Recommended Sequencing Parameters
10x Genomics Chromium Libraries: RNA-Seq Libraries – Read 1 of 28 bp (Cell Barcode and UMI), i7 Index of 10 bp (Sample Index), i5 Index of 10 bp (Sample Index), and Read 2 of 90 bp (Transcript Insert) with a sequencing depth of >20,000 reads per cell; ATAC-Seq Libraries – Read 1 of 50 bp (Transposed DNA), i7 Index of 8 bp (Sample index), i5 Index of 16 bp (10x Barcode) and Read 2 of 49 bp (Transposed DNA) with a sequencing depth of >25,000 reads per cell
Parse Biosciences Libraries: Read 1 of 74 bp, i7 Index of 6 bp, i5 Index of 0 bp, and Read 2 of 86 bp with a sequencing depth of > 20,000 reads per cell
Manual Low-Throughput scRNA/scDNA-Seq: RNA-Seq - Single-end 50 bp reads at desired sequencing depth (e.g., 20-25 million reads per mammalian sample); DNA-Seq – Paired-end 150 bp reads often used at desired sequencing depth (e.g., 30x coverage for single-cell whole genome sequencing)
Data analysis is provided upon request.
Frequently Asked Questions
10x Genomics Chromium
What is the turnaround time?
From sample submission to library preparation it typically takes 2 weeks. It takes another 2-3 weeks for sample to be sequenced followed by up to 2 weeks for raw sequence demultiplexing and read alignment.
How many samples should I do at once?
For 10x Genomics platform, you can perform any number of samples. We usually recommend not to handle more than 4 samples at once.
What is the required cell (or nucleus) quality to proceed to single-cell/nucleus sequencing analysis?
For cell, we recommend the cell viability of >70%. For nucleus, please consult us to ensure the sample quality is good for 10x Genomics platform.
Can I integrate single-cell sequencing data with spatial transcriptomics data?
Yes. This is achievable. Please consult the core for more specifics.
Can I use long-read sequencer to sequence single-cell RNA-seq library?
Yes. This is achievable. Please consult the core for more specifics.
How do I start a single-cell sequencing experiment?
Please contact NUSeq ( and we will help you through the whole workflow from sample preparation to library construction to data analysis.
Parse Bioscience
What is the turnaround time?
From sample submission to library preparation it typically takes 3 weeks. It takes another 2-3 weeks for sample to be sequenced followed by up to 2 weeks for raw sequence demultiplexing and read alignment.
How many samples should I do at once?
For Parse Bioscience platform, all fixed samples should be submitted to us all at once. For 100,000 cell and 1,000,000 cell kit, users can submit up to 48 and 96 samples, respectively.
What is the required cell (or nucleus) quality to proceed to single-cell/nucleus sequencing analysis?
For cell, we recommend using 1 million cells with cell viability of >70% prior to fixation. For nucleus, please consult us to ensure the sample quality is good.
Can I use long-read sequencer to sequence single-cell RNA-seq library?
Yes. This is achievable. Please consult the core for more specifics.
How do I start a single-cell sequencing experiment?
Please contact NUSeq ( and we will help you through the whole workflow from sample preparation to library construction to data analysis.
Manual Low-Throughput scRNA/scDNA-Seq
What is the turnaround time?
What is the recommended cell collection method?
For sorted cell, please provide us 2-4 individual samples for protocol optimization. Please collect cell by sorter or manual pipetting in 0.2 mL tube with up to 3 µL of 1X PBS Buffer. Please store cells at -80°C until sample submission to NUSeq Core.
How do I start a single-cell sequencing experiment?
Please contact NUSeq ( and we will help you through the whole workflow from sample preparation to library construction to data analysis.