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NUSeq Core Services

NUSeq Core offers a variety of services to meet our users' research needs. Current offerings include:

woman in lab loading sequencer

Short Read Sequencing

NUSeq offers a fleet of state-of-the-art short read sequencers that spans from Illumina NovaSeq X Plus, Complete Genomics DNBSEQ-G400, to Element AVITI sequencers.

Explore short read seq services
Oxford Nanopore technology schematic

Long Read Sequencing

Oxford Nanopore MinION/PromethION and PacBio Revio systems generate uninterrupted long reads.

Explore Long Read Seq Services
hands loading a single-cell sequencer

Single-Cell Sequencing

Single-cell sequencing is provided at the levels of transcriptome, genome and epigenome.

Explore Single-Cell Services
10X Genomics Xenium sequencer

Spatial Genomics

Spatial transcriptomics is offered on multiple platforms, including 10x Visium HD and Xenium In Situ systems.

Explore Spatial Genomics Services


Standard or custom NGS and microarray data analysis is provided as integrated with data production services, or standalone.

Explore Bioinformatics Services
man in white lab coat reviewing data on computer

Microarray Processing

Cost-effective genotyping and DNA methylation profiling are provided using Illumina microarray technology.

Explore Microarray Services

NanoString Target Gene Profiling

The NanoString nCounter platform achieves a digital read-out of up to 800 gene targets for pathway level interrogation.

Explore NanoString Services
lab equipment

DNA Extraction

The core offers automated DNA extraction from whole blood, buccal swab and saliva samples.

Explore DNA Extraction services
Man in lab inserting pipette into vial

DNA/RNA Sample Quality Control

The core provides rapid, direct quality control analysis of DNA and RNA samples.

Explore DNA/RNA QC Services
hand holding small petri dish with cell cultures

Cell Line Authentication

Cell lines are authenticated, or tracked during cell passaging, using the STR profiling method.

Explore CLA Services
PCR quipment

Digital Droplet PCR and qPCR (Equipment Use)

Bio-Rad QX200 ddPCR and Thermo Fisher QuantStudio 7 Flex qPCR systems are provided for walk-in use.

Explore PCR Instrument Services
The core is able to offer additional services based on users' specific requirements. Contact us to discuss custom projects

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