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View FY25 pricing by service below, or download the PDF here. If you need a quote for a project, please contact us. Initial project consultations are available free of charge.

Pricing by Service

Service Index

Illumina NovaSeq X Plus Sequencing

Services Unit NU/CBC External Industrial
NovaSeq X Plus, 10B Flow Cell, PE50 Sequencing Lane (900-1,000 M Read Pairs) $1,250 $1,500 $1,537
NovaSeq X Plus, 10B Flow Cell, PE150 Sequencing Lane (900-1,000 M Read Pairs) $1,550 $1,860 $1,927
NovaSeq X Plus, 1.5B Flow Cell, PE50 Sequencing Lane (600-700 M Read Pairs) $1,350  $1,620 $1,702
NovaSeq X Plus, 1.5B Flow Cell, P1E50 Sequencing Lane (600-700 M Read Pairs) $1,800 $2,160  $2,230
NovaSeq X Plus, 25B Flow Cell, PE150 Sequencing Lane (2,000-2,500 M Read Pairs) $2,800 $ 3,360 $3,468

Illumina NextSeq 500 Sequencing 

Services Unit NU/CBC External Industrial
NextSeq HO SE75 Sequencing Flow Cell (up to 400 M Reads) $1,960 $2,450 $2,462
NextSeq MO SE150/PE75 Sequencing Flow Cell (up to 130 M Reads) $1,560 $1,950 $1,990
NextSeq HO SE150/PE75 Sequencing Flow Cell (up to 400 M Reads) $3,400 $4,250 $4,260

Illumina MiSeq Sequencing

Services Unit NU/CBC External Industrial
MiSeq 600 Cycle V3 Sequencing Flow Cell (22-25 M Read Pairs) $2,020 $2,525 $2,631
MiSeq 500 Cycle V2 Sequencing Flow Cell (12-15 M Read Pairs) $1,620 $2,025 $2,109
MiSeq Micro 300 Cycle V2 Sequencing Flow Cell (4 M Read Pairs) $710 $887.50 $939
MiSeq Nano 500 Cycle V2 Sequencing Flow Cell (4 M Read Pairs) $710 $887.50 $939
MiSeq Nano 300 Cycle V2 Sequencing Flow Cell (1 M Read Pairs) $410 $512.50 $514

Complete Genomics DNBSEQ-G400 Sequencing

Services Unit NU/CBC External Industrial
DNBSEQ-G400 FCL, SE50 Sequencing 100 M Reads $300 $375 $379
DNBSEQ-G400 FCL, SE100 Sequencing Lane (300-400 M Reads) $675 $810 $831
DNBSEQ-G400 FCS, SE100 Sequencing Flow Cell (450-550 M Reads) $1,450 $1,812.50 $1,868
DNBSEQ-G400 FCS, PE100 Sequencing Flow Cell (450-550 M Reads) $1,950 $2,437.50 $2,530
DNBSEQ-G400 FCL, PE100 Sequencing Lane (300-400 M Read Pairs) $975 $1,218.75 $1,243
DNBSEQ-G400 FCS, PE300 Sequencing Flow Cell (300 M Read Pairs) $3,500 $4,375 $4,387
DNBSEQ-G400 FCL Flowcell, SE400/PE200 Sequencing Flow Cell (1,400-1,500 M Read Pairs) $7,500 $9,000 $9,236
Library Conversion for DNBSEQ-G400 Sample $25 $30 $32

Element Aviti Sequencing

Services Unit NU/CBC External Industrial
PE75 Sequencing, High-Ouput Lane (400-500 M Read Pairs) $1,000  $1,200  $1,221 
PE75 Sequencing, Mid-Ouput Flow Cell (400-500 M Read Pairs) $1,200 $1,440 $1,502 
PE150 Sequencing, High-Output Lane (400-500 M Read Pairs) $1,300 $1,560 $1,564
PE150 Sequencing, Mid-Output Flow Cell (400-500 M Read Pairs) $1,500 $1,800 $1,888
PE150 Sequencing, Low-Output Flow Cell (200-250 M Read Pairs) $1,200 $1,440 $1,502
PE300 Sequencing, High-Output Flow Cell (200-300 M Read Pairs) $3,500 $4,375 $4,387
PE300 Sequencing, Mid-Output Flow Cell (100 M Read Pairs) $2,600 $3,120 $3,128

General Short-Read Sequencing (by number of reads needed, sequencer used may vary)

Services Unit NU/CBC External Industrial
General SE50 Sequencing 100 M Reads $300 $375 $379
General PE150 Sequencing 100 M Reads $600 $750 $757
10x Single-Cell RNA-Seq Sequencing 300 M Reads $675 $810 $851
Expedited Sequencing 100 M Reads $600 $750 $757

Nanopore Long-Read Sequencing

Services Unit NU/CBC External Industrial
Nanopore Long-Read Sequencing Library Prep Sample $350 $437.50 $440
Nanopore MinION Sequencing Flow Cell (up to 50 Gb data) $950 $1,187.50 $1,241
Nanopore PromethION Sequencing   Flow Cell (up to 290 Gb data) $1,750 $2,187.50 $2,259

PacBio Revio Long-Read Sequencing

Services Unit NU/CBC External Industrial
PacBio Revio Sequencing Flow Cell $2,050 $2,460 $2,526
PacBio HiFi Lib Prep Sample $600 $720 $737
PacBio Iso-Seq Lib Prep Sample $400 $480 $496
PacBio Kinnex Lib Pre Sample $900 $1,080 $1,108

NGS Library Prep

Services Unit NU/CBC External Industrial
Stranded mRNA-Seq Library Prep, <24 Samples Sample $200 $240 $243
Expedited Stranded mRNA-Seq Library Prep Sample $275 $330 $337
Stranded Total RNA-Seq Library Prep, <24 Samples Sample $275 $330 $337
Expedited Stranded Total RNA-Seq Library Prep Sample $330 $396 $408
Low-Input RNA-Seq Library Prep Sample $330 $396 $408
Ultra-Low-Input RNA-Seq Library Prep Sample $420 $525 $532
rRNA Depletion Sample $58 $72.50 $75
Small RNA-Seq Library Prep Sample $230 $276 $282
DNA-Seq Library Prep (WGS, ChIP-Seq, Shotgun Metagenome) Sample $200 $240 $245
DNA/RNA-Seq Library Prep, HT, 24-95 Samples Sample $165 $206.25 $217
DNA/RNA-Seq Library Prep, HT, >=96 Samples Sample $140 $175 $182
Whole Exome/Gene Panel Sequencing Library Prep Sample $250 $300 $309
DNA Methyl-Seq Library Prep Sample $225 $270 $278
Biomodal Duet Sequencing Library Prep Sample $1,000 $1,200 $1,257
ATAC-Seq Library Prep Sample $320 $400 $411
16S/ITS and Amplicon Sequencing Library Prep Sample $75 $90 $94

Single-Cell Sequencing Library Prep

Services Unit NU/CBC External Industrial
10X Single Cell RNA-Seq Library Prep Sample $2,250 $2,700 $2,750
10X Single Cell Multiome Sequencing Library Prep Sample $3,750 $4,500 $4,576
10X Single Cell RNA-Seq - Multiplexing Add-On Sample $180 $216 $223
10X Single Cell RNA-Seq - VDJ Immune Profiling Add-On to 5' Sample $450 $540 $554
Parse Single Cell RNA-Seq Library Prep Sample $1,400 $1,750 $1,804
Parse Processing, Additional Hour Hour $70 $87.50 $91
Manual Single Cell DNA/RNA-Seq Condition Optimization Project $800 $960 $976
Manual Single Cell DNA/RNA-Seq Library Prep, 1-12 Samples Sample $420 $525 $532
Manual Single Cell DNA/RNA-Seq Library Prep, >=13 Samples Sample $330 $396 $408

Spatial Transcriptomics

Services Unit NU/CBC External Industrial
Visium Tissue Optimization on Test Slide Slide $750 $937.50 $961
Visium Spatial Gene Expression Library Prep Slide $1,200 $1,500 $1,524
Visium - CytAssist Sample Transfer Slide $200 $250 $260
Xenium Slide Processing and Analyzer Run 2 Slides $4,900 $5,880 $6,159
Xenium Analyzer Run, Additional Day Day $1,000 $1,200 $1,250

Sample Prep and QC

Services Unit NU/CBC External Industrial
DNA Fragmentation Sample $15 $18 $19
DNA Size Selection with Bioanalyzer Confirmation Sample $28 $34 $36
Pre-Made Sequencing Library QC Sample $18 $22 $23
Sequencing Library qPCR Quantification Sample $30 $36 $38
Bioanalyzer DNA HS Assay Chip $74 $92.50 $95
Bioanalyzer DNA 1K, RNA Nano/Pico Assay Chip $50 $62.50 $64
TapeStation DNA 1000/5000 and RNA ScreenTape Analysis Sample $8 $9.50 $10
Qubit DNA/RNA Measurement Sample $4.75 $5.70 $6
Nanodrop DNA/RNA Measurement Sample $2.50 $3.25 $4
DNA/RNA Sample Dilution Sample $2 $2.50 $3
TapeStation gDNA and High Sensitivity DNA/RNA Analysis Sample $10 $12 $13
HMW DNA QC Run (up to 11 samples) $150 $180 $187

DNA Extraction

Services Unit NU/CBC External Industrial
DNA Extraction Sample $34 $42.50 $45
HMW DNA Extraction Sample $135 $162 $167
RNA Extraction with Bioanalyzer QC Sample $40 $50 $53

Cell Line Authentication

Services Unit NU/CBC External Industrial
Cell Line Authentication Sample $85 $106.25 $111
CLA Setup for <5 Samples Setup $20 $25 $26

Array Processing

Services Unit NU/CBC External Industrial
Illumina BeadChip Processing (<1000 Samples) Sample $45 $56.25 $58
Illumina BeadChip Processing (>=1000 Samples) Sample $39 $48.75 $50


Services Unit NU/CBC External Industrial
NanoString SPRINT Run Cartridge $480 $600 $616
Nanostring Sample Hybridization Cartridge $150 $187.50 $191

Bioinformatics and Staff Time

Services Unit NU/CBC External Industrial
Bioinformatics and Data Mining Half Hour $60 $96 $98
Staff Time/Effort Hour $70 $87.50 $93

Equipment Use

Services Unit NU/CBC External Industrial
QuantStudio 7 Instrument Use Hour $30 $37.50 $40
Digital Droplet PCR Instrument Use Set of 8 Samples $55 $68.75 $72

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